

The Town of Winterville is a full service municipality located immediately south of Greenville in the central coastal plain region. The current population of 9,447 (2013 NC State Budget and Management estimate) is growing at a rate of approximately 1,000 new residents per year.  In the heart of Eastern NC, Winterville combines a welcoming small town serenity with the conveniences of the adjacent City of Greenville.  Winterville is located 85 miles south-east of Raleigh, less than 80 miles inland from the NC beaches and close to many other historic towns and cities in the state.

Winterville is truly a great family town in which to live, play, visit, work and retire!  You’ll feel at ease among friends and neighbors who cherish our small town “Slice of the Good Life!” while enjoying the advantages and amenities of a city.  There’s year-round outdoor enjoyment in our Eastern NC fresh air and mild climate, a low cost of living and beautiful homes.

Stay healthy and safe!  Vident Medical Center is nationally ranked as one of the highest performing hospital for numerous specialties.  Ranked 4th out of Safewise’s list of the 50 safest cities in NC, Winterville has become regionally known for safety and community unity.

The Town of Winterville sponsors a variety of programs and activities which contribute to the relaxed, family-oriented lifestyle for which the community is becoming increasingly well known

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